Share a quirky hobby or interest that you’re passionate about. 

I love going on Picnics! I pack snacks, refreshments, and a good book and I’m on my merry way (Pun intended!) My favorite picnic spot is a lavender farm in Saugatuck, MI.

If you had a time machine, which era’s fashion would you love to rock? 

It’s hard to just pick one era because I love fashion so much I like to change up my style regularly!

What’s your favorite quote or mantra that you live by?

1 Corinthians 13:4

What’s your guilty pleasure song that you secretly love? 

Song of the Wind  from Pocahontas

If you could master any skill instantly, what would it be and why?

I would master the Cello! I played the viola growing up and loved it but always wanted to learn to play the cello too.