If left untreated, it can cause deep infections, affecting not just gum tissue but teeth and bone. Plaque and tartar may be seen at the base of the teeth. Finally, if you notice that your gums change color after taking a new medication, ask your doctor for possible alternatives. The accumulation of bacterial plaque that can turn into another condition, the periodontal disease. Plaque is the root cause of gum disease, at first irritating your gums and eventually causing deep infections that can destroy your tissue and bone. Using revolutionary technology, it removes dark gum tissues and is able to reveal it without any forcing of painful procedures so as to get temporary results. Plaque is the root cause of gum disease, at first irritating your gums and eventually causing deep infections that can destroy your tissue and bone. Plaque is the root cause of gum disease, at first irritating your gums and eventually causing deep infections that can destroy your tissue and bone. Bruises. The blue to purple colored lesions within the oral cavity are mainly due to a blood vessel malformation and Kaposi’s sarcoma. Soft tissue growth over a … A member asked: can temporary dental caps cause gums to change color? Below, we discuss some common causes of bleeding gums in younger patients and when is the best time for your child to visit the pediatric dentist. If you have ever had pale gums or seen them up close, they can be quite worrisome. to it. Thanks for watching! One of the most common causes of oral pigmentation change is a condition called Smoker’s Melanosis. Fast and virtually painless, Britegums® is also long lasting (sometimes permanent) and affordable. However, you should pay attention to it since it is a first symptom that indicates that your mouth suffers some problem. These deposits can build up underneath your gum line or on your gum line and appear as yellow to dark brown spots. It sometimes happens that gum color changes as we get older. And it’s always advisable to check in with your dentist if this happens. I have a small white bump on the inside of outside gum (upper Gum ) Pain when touched. There are numerous causes of cyanosis development in cats. Proper dental hygiene is quite important to help curb teeth decay and bad smell from the mouth. What Causes Purple Gums? While oral melanoma is very rare, it can be fatal. What Do Bleeding Gums Mean Bleeding gums are caused by inadequate plaque removal. Falling on your face, eating … Brown gums or gum darkening could be completely natural based on your ethnicity or aging. That being said, we always recommend that you check in with a dentist before passing a change in gum color off as normal. DogChannel.com notes that hemoglobin carries oxygen throughout your pal's bloodstream and that, when hemoglobin without oxygen builds up in his gums, the tissue turns purple. Visit Website • Very pale pink, almost white, gums may be the result of decreased circulation, anemia, fever and/or systemic shock. The condition usually resolves with effective oral hygiene practices (tooth brushing, flossing) to remove the plaque, residue, and bacteria collecting on the teeth. If you call your veterinarian when your horse is ill or injured, don't be surprised if she asks you to check his gums. Fortunately, in the vast majority of cases these spots are benign and easily explainable. Purple gums can signal that you have gum disease (periodontal disease). You must be suffering from swollen gums. It is a gray-black line present along the margins of the gums. Medication. Infections of the gums (gingivitis), skin and soft tissue (), or bone (osteomyelitis) are further causes of gum symptoms. We hear this question a lot at Britegums®, with variations. Possible Causes: If you notice red or reddish-purple spots on your pup’s gums, these could be petechia, which indicates a problem with blood clotting. Seeing your gums change from their natural color can be pretty scary. Better safe than sorry! It’s important that you practice proper oral hygiene to avoid gum disease and see a dentist as soon as possible if you think you are suffering with the disease. The gums are most often painless or mildly tender when gingivitis is present. While you may find the change undesirable, it’s not necessarily an indicator of poor health. “Unhealthy gums will appear red and inflamed.” Certain diseases can cause discoloration of the gums. Visit your dentist immediately to have yourself checked. Your dentist will examine your mouth and teeth and look for soft, swollen, reddish-purple gums. If you observe a change in gum color and you’re taking a medication for depression, the … The signs and symptoms that are associated with periodontitis include: Bleeding when you are brushing your teeth. He may just naturally have darker gums. What Causes Bleeding Gums? My gums are turning yellow, what causes this? Click here to see how we treat severe gum disease at Water Tower Dental Care in Chicago. Patented Britegums® technology is the contemporary solution to hyperpigmentation in the gum tissue. [caption id="attachment_2527" align="alignright" width="300"] Before and After Gum Disease Treatment Therapy[/caption] Those of us who have a lot of melanin have darker skin tones. Plaque can cause gingivitis. Call 254.237.5805 to get periodontic help and protect your gums today. Most causes of receding gums can be prevented with good oral hygiene. The gums … Viral infection can also be a cause of gum disease. Silver positioning leads to gray to bluish-violet discoloration of oral mucosa with a metallic luster. But pink gums that suddenly turn purple -- that's an entirely If this change isn’t accompanied by any symptoms (like pain or bleeding), it’s a naturally occurring process that’s harmless. Other causes of gum problems may involve foreign bodies affecting the gums, such as poorly contoured dental work, or sensitivity to material in dental work. A: There are a number of factors that can cause your gums to recede, including periodontal diseases. An amalgam tattoo can appear anywhere in the mouth but usually appears next to … If you have Smoker’s Melanosis, your gums, cheeks, or palate may turn brown or black due to smoking or using drugs that contain nicotine. Presence of a metallic taste in your mouth. These are gum infections, caused by bacteria, that destroy gum tissue and the bone that holds your teeth in place. Blood and Vessels A purple coloration is just one sign. While it could be a natural occurrence, it may also be a serious warning sign. The gums up above my teeth have also sunk back a little bit. In a rare occasion, the formation of these purple spots on the gums could be an indicator of oral malignant melanoma and it is advisable to consult a medical professional as … If you’re in Chicago, contact us to make an appointment at Chicago’s number one dentistry. Bleeding of the gums is sometimes referred to as gingival bleeding, and it may occur during brushing or flossing. Calculus is a buildup of hardened dental plaque, saliva, minerals and/or oral debris that have turned into a calcified deposit. Eating something with edges sharped, falling on the face, flossing teeth hard can bruise gums. Are your gums looking redder than usual? Periodontal disease is the main cause of gum recession. Don’t leave changes in the appearance of your gums to chance. Inflamed gums is a common problem that can affect you at any time during life. Smoking can change the color of gums. Ideal Cat Gum Color “When it comes to your cat’s gums, the key is to think pink!” begins Dr. Jules Swollen gums in children can actually cause a lot of health issues like pain, sensitivity and bleeding from gums. Your gums may change to purple or brown and your palate and the insides of your cheeks may also change. But, the presence of sore gums without any reason points towards gingivitis. But many people are shy about their smiles because of either uneven or very dark pigmentation. It could be found anywhere in your mouth and its shape and size will change as it grows. Here are the main causes of gums turning purple or brown. Melanin is what allows skin to tan and a deficit of it is what causes skin to burn. Swollen gums. This article talks about the various causes of swollen gums and what are the appropriate treatment options. For instance, red, inflamed gums can be a sign of gingivitis. Symptoms caused by inflammation often have a sudden onset. Check it out: purple gums can come from gum disease and purple gums can come from a systemic blood problem, so get it checked our soon 3 doctors agree Send thanks to the doctor Dr. Louis Gallia answered Q: What causes your gums to recede? what causes purple gums. The philtrum area is also purple from her nose to her lip. Pink gums are generally considered healthy and this makes it shine more thus giving sparkling confidence. Unnatural gum discoloration is typically a sign that something’s going wrong in your mouth. They’re straight and white. Just because the tops of a pup's gums are purple doesn't necessarily mean he's unhealthy, weird or ate a plum. Bleeding gums are a sign of gingivitis, or inflammation of your gums. These are bacterial gum infections that destroy gum tissue and supporting bone that hold your teeth in … But if your gums are suddenly turning purple or brown, it may be a sign that something dangerous is happening inside your mouth that requires professional attention. It can also be black or dark brown. You take good care of your teeth and you’re proud of them. 2019 Britegums® © Copyright | All Rights Reserved, Don't Let Blotchy Gums Keep You From Your Smile. The duration and course of sore gums vary widely, depending on the cause. Also called periodontal disease, purple gums may be telling you that your gums need attention. Neglected gum inflammation can cause periodontitis. Anemia affects a lot of people and they don’t even know it. In children, gingivostomatitis is a condition that causes symptoms of swelling and sores around the mouth or gums. Tender Gums. No one knows what causes these small, painful blisters inside your mouth.Triggers include hypersensitivity, infection, hormones, stress, and not getting enough of some vitamins. You should see a medical professional as soon as possible if you have a purple spot anywhere in your mouth. Numerous conditions can cause oxygen deficiency, many of them serious, such as heart disease and pneumonia. It produces a bacteria that releases a harmful protein known as IL-6 (interleukin-6). Why are my gums splotchy? Receding gums may cause in... Gingival recession or gum recession can be caused by brushing the teeth too hard, too fast, or too frequently among other reasons. Bleeding, redness, and painful or sore gums can be a symptom of gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) that arises due to a number of different causes. Purple gums can signal that you have gum disease (periodontal disease). As gum disease worsens, you may notice that your gums are swollen and appear to be bright red or purple. This is happening on top and bottom. Let’s explore the question. Some oral cancers manifest as dark spots in their early stages. A tan, brown, or blue-black spot on your gums may signal that you have oral malignant melanoma, a dangerous type of cancer. A sudden change in color, though, can be disconcerting and may signal a problem. While gums are usually light pink, they can sometimes become pale in both adults and children. it doesn't hurt, but the color change does concern me. The gums appear to be swollen with the formation of bright red or purple gums. As you age, you may also notice that your gums change color. Somewhat recently and suddenly my gums have turned purple. You can also feel firmness to it. What causes purple color gums in a child? Cyanosis can be caused by a variety of issues. At times, after hard brushing the gums become sore. As gum disease worsens, you may notice that your gums are swollen and appear to be bright red or purple. This is not to be taken lightly, as smoking is known to be harmful to your health. The hormonal changes associated with menopause are known to decrease blood flow, which can cause the gums to become pale and dry. What it Means & What to Do. What is Swollen Gum?Page Contents1 What is Swollen Gum?2 Location of Swollen Gums3 Swollen Gums Symptoms4 Causes of Swollen Gums5 Swollen Gums … And when we have a lot of melanin, we can have dark or irregular pigmentation in the gum tissue. Read on to know all about Swollen Gums around tooth, its causes, symptoms and how to treat swollen gums. The symptoms are often mild that you may never pay attention to it. Left untreated though, early symptoms can develop into periodontitis. Blue Gums: If inadequate amounts of oxygen are being circulated through your dog's blood supply, its gums may turn blue or purple. Tags: brown gums, calculus, dark gums, darker gums, Gum Discoloration, gum disease, gums, medication, melanoma, oral malignant melanoma, periodontal disease, purple gums, Smoker’s Melanosis, smoking, There's A Gap Between My Baby's Front Teeth! In many cases, a yellow coating on your gum line is an indication that you have begun to develop gingivitis. But, the inflamed gums have a purple or bright red color. Bruises on the gums are usually dark red or purple, but they can also be dark brown or black. As gum disease worsens, you may notice that your gums are swollen and appear to be bright red or purple. Petechia are little bruises caused by small hemorrhages. You may also have some minor bleeding and pain in addition to the bruise. A dark spot on gums may look concerning. Gingivitis is a mild form of gum disease, causing irritation and inflammation of the part of your gum tissue around the base of your teeth (gingiva). I saw a dentist and he said it looked normal with no signs of gum disease. Dark spots on your gums can be signs of harmless or deadly conditions, depending on its nature. The color of a cat’s gums can tell a lot about your pet’s health. It's a common and … If your child has gums that bleed easily or red, swollen, and tender, they may have gum disease. You can injure your gums just like any other part of your body. Check it out: purple gums can come from gum disease and purple gums can come from a systemic blood problem, so get it checked our soon 90,000 U.S. doctors in 147 specialties are here to answer your questions or offer you Other causes of gum problems may involve foreign bodies affecting the gums, such as poorly contoured dental work, or sensitivity to material in dental work. CORONAVIRUS symptoms include a high fever, a new cough, and loss of smell and taste. Generally purple or blue gums indicate poor oxygenation of the blood and is seen in a variety of severe disease processes. This can be due to an increase of melanin production in your body and is completely normal and natural. Some conditions can make the gums appear white. Brown gums could be a sign of calculus. Several conditions can cause this, and pale gums may indicate a more serious health problem. The healthy gums have a pale pink color. As this condition becomes more severe, your gums may swell and change in appearance. Purple gums can signal that you have gum disease (periodontal disease). For many people with dark or unevenly pigmented gums, the answer may simply be “melanin”. Purple or brown gums in smokers may signal gum disease or even oral cancer. Gums can be an often-overlooked part of a dog’s mouth, but they’re just as important to keep clean and healthy as your dog’s teeth. Blue to Purple Discoloration. In children Although the gums enlarging from inflammation is one of the most common causes of gingival hyperplasia, it is all the easiest to resolve. If your gums aren’t naturally brown, you may have a more serious problem. The gum tissue generally responds to bacterial plaque with inflammation, which usually develops when there is an invasive amount built up against the gumline. The appearance of pus between … But if you’re concerned, visiting your dentist is in order. My 2.5 year olds gums on the top are purple at the base and down about a center meter and the inside of her upper lip is purple. You’ve got something stuck in your teeth (like, really stuck). Infections of the gums (gingivitis), skin and soft tissue (), or bone (osteomyelitis) are further causes of sore gums. If you think you have calculus, you should see your dentist immediately. If you have naturally brown or darker gums based on your your skin pigment, then you have no need to worry. Daily flossing and brushing are imperative to avoid calculus. There are several gum injuries that cause the appearance of dark spots on the gums and most of these injuries are actually self-induced. Viral infection can also be a cause of gum disease. Learn more about what color your dog’s gums should be, gum problem to look out for and how to help your dog maintain his or her healthy gums. However, the Britegums offers a process to offer a solution to discoloring of gum. Learn more about oral malignant melanoma here. Here is a veterinarian’s guide for gum color in cats. If only one tooth or region of your mouth … Extra spaces will appear between your teeth. One day you may see healthy pink gums in the mirror, and the next you might notice an ominous purple or brown tint creeping over them. Both medication and smoking can result in gum discoloration. Causative diseases often are related to the heart and lungs. The duration and course of gum symptoms vary widely, depending on the cause. Plaque contains germs which attack the healthy tissue around the teeth. Is your gum swollen and touching it causes pain? Pale or bleeding gums can occur because of hormonal changes. Bruises on gum are not only dark red but also purple. You can see minor pain and bleed along with bruise. is this normal with temp. Black gums can be caused by fillings, dentures, and crowns; as well as poor dental hygiene. Amalgam tattoo. The most common form of gingivitis, and the most common form of periodontal disease overall, is in response to bacterial biofilms (also called plaque) that is attached to tooth surfaces, termed plaque-induced gingivitis.. Serious gum disease can also lead to the existence of dark spots or formations on your teeth and gums. Pericoronitis Causes Pericoronitis can develop when wisdom teeth only partially erupt (break through the gum). From salmon pink to brick red, here's what the color of a horse's gums reveals about his health. Those who have little are paler. If you notice that your gums have turned purple or brown, we highly suggest that you visit a doctor as soon as possible. Gum color varies just like skin color does. ADVERTISEMENT. The early stage of periodontal disease is not often painful, therefore symptoms often go unnoticed. This inflammation process causes discoloration of the gums along with bleeding, bad breath, shiny gums and mouth sores. The purple swollen gums indicate that there is gingivitis, something very common. You should also avoid smoking, which can contribute to gum disease and cancer. If you observe the formation of a purple spot on the gums, this may indicate early oral cancer. Let's consider some of the more common conditions that might cause gum discoloration and what can be done about them. List of 92 causes for Purple skin and Swollen gums, alternative diagnoses, rare causes, misdiagnoses, patient stories, and much more. 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