Email. )Little sins accumulateBp. That all the commands of God should be preached in their proper place by Christian ministers. The Law is not perfected till its inner meaning is discovered and its living spirit brought forth. startxref January 19 Gospel … It must not be understood as if one commandment were less necessary to be obeyed than another; God's commands are all alike necessary.1. Hopkins. 2 He opened His mouth and began to teach them, saying, 3 “ [] Blessed are the [] poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Hopkins. (2)Natural corruption is of a growing nature.6. 6. )Great advancement made in sin by little stagesBp. Small sins — what they want in weight, usually make up in number. (Matthew 5:19-20), preached by pastor Jacob Reaume at Trinity Bible Chapel on July 22, 2018. trailer Little sins are the greatest provocations; murder is a reproach to all; unbelief does not provoke public scandal.7. What absolute need we stand in of Christ.4. Only let him receive you with coldness, and his disaffection is as indisputable as if it were manifest in angry assault .... Is it not evident that the man who has brought himself to the perpetration of one fraud, has broken down the only security against the perpetration of a score, lie who can be the oppressor of a few, wants only the means to become the despot of an empire.(C. 0000000876 00000 n II. In Matthew 5:19, Jesus introduces us to the idea that as His followers, we must strive for eternal greatness—greatness that will last beyond death. February 23 Gospel Matthew 5:38-48 Sermon The Rev. Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit Who Mourn. 3. 21 0 obj <> endobj It would aggravate the venality of a Judge that the bribe was so paltry. Matthew 5 New American Standard Bible 1995 (NASB1995) The Sermon on the Mount; The Beatitudes. The meaning is — anything contained under or included in them, though seemingly small to us; as anger, scornful speaking, and reviling is the sin of murder. 0000006660 00000 n In curious pictures, a little scratch is a great deformity.6. Little sins have in them ordinarily of temptation, and therefore more of wilfulness.7. Hopkins.The devil cannot expect always to receive such returns of great and crying impieties: but yet, when he keeps the stock of corruption going, and drives on the trade of sinning by lesser sins, believe it, corruption will be on the thriving hand, and you may grow rich in guilt, and treasure up to yourselves wrath against the day of wrath, by adding those that you call little sins unto the heap.(Bp. What is meant by "BEING LEAST IN THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN." 0000008378 00000 n APPLICATION:1. (2)Natural corruption is of a growing nature.6. )Little sins accumulateBp. Hopkins. 2020 Sermons. (3)In any one instance. )The need of a sensitive conscienceBp. 1. 7. A Little Sin Indicative of a Carnal Disposition, Great Advancement Made in Sin by Little Stages, Sermon on the Mount: 3. Hopkins.If Satan prevails with us to go with him one step out of our way, we axe in danger to stop nowhere till we come to the height of all profaneness: he will make us take a second, and a third, and so to travel on to destruction; for each of these is but one step: the last step of sin is but one step, as well as the first; and if the devil prevail with us to take one step, why should he not prevail with us to take the last step as well as the first step, seeing it is but one? What is meant by "BEING LEAST IN THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN." )Great advancement made in sin by little stagesBp. They are all enjoined by the same authority.2. Little sins usually are the destroying sins.2. x�b```c``�������� Ȁ �@1V�1 As you see in rivers, the natural course of them tends to the sea; but the tide, joining with them, makes the current run the swifter and the more forcibly: so is it with sin. F��O�=f:��vF�jLp��oju���8�ZEG�f4��h R�f� P���M�@Z Small sins — what they want in weight, usually make up in number. 0 5. What a complicated evil every sin is, that the commission of the least makes you guilty of the greatest. Hopkins. Hopkins. By leading from the letter to the spirit. Hopkins. 0000043769 00000 n )The need of a sensitive conscienceBp. Mat 5:19 - Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:19 is the nineteenth verse of the fifth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament and is part of the Sermon on the Mount. 21 29 Matthew 5:19 (NKJV) "Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. Scripture: Matthew 5:3–4. What a complicated evil every sin is, that the commission of the least makes you guilty of the greatest.4. 2. Matthew 5:17 - 5:19. Hopkins.If Satan prevails with us to go with him one step out of our way, we axe in danger to stop nowhere till we come to the height of all profaneness: he will make us take a second, and a third, and so to travel on to destruction; for each of these is but one step: the last step of sin is but one step, as well as the first; and if the devil prevail with us to take one step, why should he not prevail with us to take the last step as well as the first step, seeing it is but one? )Little sins accumulateBp. Little sins do greatly deface the image of God in the soul. 0000003534 00000 n Hopkins.I. Never miss a post. What a complicated evil every sin is, that the commission of the least makes you guilty of the greatest.4. By leading from the letter to the spirit. (2) Those commandments which are great in respect of the Lawgiver, may yet be least in comparison with other commands of the same law, which are indeed thought greatest. What absolute need we stand in of Christ.4. )Avoid the least sinNewman Hall.If we would save the big ship, let us stop the small leak. It is no paradox to say, that little sins are peculiarly offending in the sight of God, because they are little; in other words, because we run the risk of offending Him for what on our own showing we care very little about, and from which we only expect an insignificant return. 49 0 obj<>stream It also describes the natural tendency most humans have to satisfy their … Apr 24, 2013. )LinksMatthew 5:19 NIVMatthew 5:19 NLTMatthew 5:19 ESVMatthew 5:19 NASBMatthew 5:19 KJVMatthew 5:19 Bible AppsMatthew 5:19 ParallelMatthew 5:19 Biblia ParalelaMatthew 5:19 Chinese BibleMatthew 5:19 French BibleMatthew 5:19 German BibleMatthew 5:19 CommentariesBible Hub, (2)In any respect. Small sins — what they want in weight, usually make up in number. What cause we have to bemoan and humble ourselves before God.5. 5. Hopkins.The devil cannot expect always to receive such returns of great and crying impieties: but yet, when he keeps the stock of corruption going, and drives on the trade of sinning by lesser sins, believe it, corruption will be on the thriving hand, and you may grow rich in guilt, and treasure up to yourselves wrath against the day of wrath, by adding those that you call little sins unto the heap.(Bp. Matt. Hopkins.If Satan prevails with us to go with him one step out of our way, we axe in danger to stop nowhere till we come to the height of all profaneness: he will make us take a second, and a third, and so to travel on to destruction; for each of these is but one step: the last step of sin is but one step, as well as the first; and if the devil prevail with us to take one step, why should he not prevail with us to take the last step as well as the first step, seeing it is but one? II. 5:19 “Whoever, therefore, shall break one of these least commandments, and teach others to do so, shall be called least in the Kingdom of Heaven; but whoever shall do and teach them shall be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven. Keep alive reverent thoughts of God.7. Williams.That an act in itself inconsiderable, may indicate the existing state of feeling, as clearly as one that is more palpable. )The great evil and danger of little sinsBp. It was defective by omission. The allowance of the least sin is a certain sign of a rotten heart.5. �e�&)1�3*1�H]0R(cXڠ����"~@|�����.�l^�5D>�t�[&C�+Ȁ���)�S�[�@V�5�00O�r�0 z\*� The stern protests of the prophets against national sin stand good to-day as the utterances of an undying conscience. %PDF-1.4 %���� 0000003975 00000 n That true piety has respect to all the commands of God, and keeps them (Psalm 119:64). Little sins do greatly deface the image of God in the soul. Matthew 5:18 Treasury of Scripture Knowing; Matthew 5:18 Sermons; Matthew 5:18 Prayers; Matthew 5:18 Images; Choose Chapter. )LinksMatthew 5:19 NIVMatthew 5:19 NLTMatthew 5:19 ESVMatthew 5:19 NASBMatthew 5:19 KJVMatthew 5:19 Bible AppsMatthew 5:19 ParallelMatthew 5:19 Biblia ParalelaMatthew 5:19 Chinese BibleMatthew 5:19 French BibleMatthew 5:19 German BibleMatthew 5:19 CommentariesBible Hub. 16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. The evil and danger of little sins hath been made apparent: I shall add farther proofs of their AGGRAVATED GUILT.1. Matthew 5:19 NIV Matthew 5:19 NLT Matthew 5:19 ESV Matthew 5:19 NASB Matthew 5:19 KJV Matthew 5:19 Matthew 5:19 Biblia Paralela Matthew 5:19 Chinese Bible Matthew 5:19 French Bible Matthew 5:19 Clyx Quotations NT Gospels: Matthew 5:19 Whoever therefore shall break one of these (Matt. Hopkins. 1. A ship may have a heavy burden of sands, as well as of millstones; and may be as soon sunk with them.3. Little sins are the natural stream of a man's life; that do of themselves tend hell-ward, and are of themselves enough to carry the soul down silently and calmly to destruction: but, when greater and grosser sins join with them, they make a violent tide, that hurries the soul away with a more swift and rampant motion down to hell, than little sins would or could do of themselves.(Bp. 3 Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. It is a violation of a holy and strict law. )Little sins accumulateBp. Private piety is revealed in the Old Testament so as to be the example and stimulus for all ages. SADNESS IN THE KINGDOM. Still, it cannot be denied that he lacks the man's larger wisdom and more enduring strength. 0000005933 00000 n Hopkins. Williams. By giving men power to keep the Law. The evil and danger of little sins hath been made apparent: I shall add farther proofs of their AGGRAVATED GUILT.1. The Beatitudes. Hopkins.The devil cannot expect always to receive such returns of great and crying impieties: but yet, when he keeps the stock of corruption going, and drives on the trade of sinning by lesser sins, believe it, corruption will be on the thriving hand, and you may grow rich in guilt, and treasure up to yourselves wrath against the day of wrath, by adding those that you call little sins unto the heap.(Bp. Hopkins. )Great advancement made in sin by little stagesBp. By exhibiting in life what the Old Testament reveals in word. Little sins are the greatest provocations; murder is a reproach to all; unbelief does not provoke public scandal.7. 0000007556 00000 n Sometimes it arises from the latitude that any command hath in it, to our thoughts, words, or actions; a thought is said to be less than an action.II. 3. Its spiritual life. 2. 0000010017 00000 n Name. Isaiah 38:17. It is a violation of a holy and strict law.3. Little sins do maintain the trade and course of sinning. 17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. INTRODUCTION: A. Matthew 5:19 "Whoever * then annuls one of the least of these commandments, and teaches others to do the same, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever * keeps and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 2. This inequality arises from the inequality of the objects about which they are concerned, our duty to God or man. 4 Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted. Not in the letter, which is superfluous, but in the spirit, which is essential. Scripture: Matthew 5:48. In curious pictures, a little scratch is a great deformity.6. (2) Those commandments which are great in respect of the Lawgiver, may yet be least in comparison with other commands of the same law, which are indeed thought greatest. Little sins have in them ordinarily of temptation, and therefore more of wilfulness.7. Hopkins. This sermon explains how we make a lasting impact on our communities by being salt and light. He taught things that the people hadn't heard before. THE AWFUL DANGER OF THESE LITTLE SINS IN REGARD TO OURSELVES. (2) Those commandments which are great in respect of the Lawgiver, may yet be least in comparison with other commands of the same law, which are indeed thought greatest. If little sins have so much danger, what shall we think of great impieties?2. The authority of the great God seems more to be despised by the commission of small sins than by the commission of great.5. If we would save the palace from flames, let us put out the spark. Hopkins. 3. The least sin is aggravated by the small degree of temptation by which it is accompanied. This appears in that the least sin is a most high affront and provocation of the great God. If little sins have so much danger, what shall we think of great impieties? (1)Observe the danger of vacating God's commands. 21 Outlines . )Little sins are often united with greatBp. 0000005139 00000 n Hopkins. )A little sin indicative of a carnal dispositionC. The deeper, more spiritual righteousness can only be realized when the Law is written on the heart, and this is done, as Jeremiah predicted, only under the new covenant (Jeremiah 31:33). %%EOF By exhibiting in life what the Old Testament reveals in word. )Avoid the least sinNewman Hall.If we would save the big ship, let us stop the small leak. But when Christ speaks of the least commandment, He alludes(1) to the corrupt doctrine of the Scribes distinguishing God's commands into small and great. 19 Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. Pray for a tender conscience.6. Little sins do maintain the trade and course of sinning.III. 0000001413 00000 n Little sins do greatly deface the image of God in the soul. 0000001154 00000 n The truth it contains is partial, and represents an early stage in the development of Divine ideas among men; yet all truth has an eternal element in it which we may discover when we strip off the husk of its temporary form. Obeying the Commandments, 1 John 2 3. A tender conscience is like the apple of a man's eye: the least dust that gets into it afflicts it.(Bp. It must not be understood as if one commandment were less necessary to be obeyed than another; God's commands are all alike necessary.1. The Increase of God. Matthew 5:19 KJ21 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven; but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven. CHRIST FILLS UP THE DEFICIENCIES OF THE OLD TESTAMENT REVELATION. The acorn disappears that the oak may be seen; but it is not destroyed, it is only developed, and its glorification is accomplished by the larger growth which abolishes its own peculiar form and structure. In this verse he perhaps continues to reinforce this claim. February 16 Gospel Matthew 5:21-24, 27-30, 33-37 Sermon The Rev. Your second sin no more exceeds your first, than your first doth your duty; and so of the rest.(Bp. As the motion of a leaf shows the quarter from which the wind blows as certainly as the agitated branches of an oak, so you may gather any one's dislike, though he does not strike you, or abuse you, or attempt insidiously to destroy your reputation. Little sins do maintain the trade and course of sinning.III. Little sins are the natural stream of a man's life; that do of themselves tend hell-ward, and are of themselves enough to carry the soul down silently and calmly to destruction: but, when greater and grosser sins join with them, they make a violent tide, that hurries the soul away with a more swift and rampant motion down to hell, than little sins would or could do of themselves.(Bp. 7. Damnation for little sins will be most intolerable — here for such little sins!IV. II. Sometimes it arises from the latitude that any command hath in it, to our thoughts, words, or actions; a thought is said to be less than an action. Only let him receive you with coldness, and his disaffection is as indisputable as if it were manifest in angry assault .... Is it not evident that the man who has brought himself to the perpetration of one fraud, has broken down the only security against the perpetration of a score, lie who can be the oppressor of a few, wants only the means to become the despot of an empire.(C. Matthew 5:19 Context. 0000063656 00000 n Little sins usually make way for the vilest. Jesus has reported that he came not to destroy the law, but fulfil it. 0000001234 00000 n Your second sin no more exceeds your first, than your first doth your duty; and so of the rest.(Bp. It is very difficult to convince men of the great evil and danger of little sins.4. 5 When Jesus saw the crowds, He went up on the [] mountain; and after He sat down, His disciples came to Him. Its origin. Little sins carry great guilt and bring heavy condemnation.1. endstream endobj 22 0 obj<> endobj 23 0 obj<> endobj 24 0 obj<>/ColorSpace<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/ExtGState<>>> endobj 25 0 obj<> endobj 26 0 obj<> endobj 27 0 obj<> endobj 28 0 obj<> endobj 29 0 obj<> endobj 30 0 obj<> endobj 31 0 obj<> endobj 32 0 obj<>stream The Old Testament was inspired by God. It must not be understood as if one commandment were less necessary to be obeyed than another; God's commands are all alike necessary.1. Pray for a tender conscience.6. Keep alive reverent thoughts of God.7. - W.F.A. Little sins leave men hardly conscious float they have broken God's law; great sins stir up piercing thoughts. Only let him receive you with coldness, and his disaffection is as indisputable as if it were manifest in angry assault .... Is it not evident that the man who has brought himself to the perpetration of one fraud, has broken down the only security against the perpetration of a score, lie who can be the oppressor of a few, wants only the means to become the despot of an empire.(C. Matt Boulter. Different Degrees of Good. There are many today in the church who believe that sermons ought to be characterized more by positive presentation than by negative correction. It is very difficult to convince men of the great evil and danger of little sins.4. "THE GOSPEL OF MATTHEW" Jesus And The Law (5:17-19) INTRODUCTION 1. 0000010051 00000 n THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT (part seven) Matt. Comment and subscribe! That they who pretend that there are any laws of God so small that they need not obey them, are unworthy of His kingdom. This is a key theme in the Sermon on the Mount, and surfaces throughout the entire message. This inequality arises from the inequality of the objects about which they are concerned, our duty to God or man. The allowance of the least sin is a certain sign of a rotten heart.5. Hopkins. )Little sins are often united with greatBp. )A little sin indicative of a carnal dispositionC. Little sins carry great guilt and bring heavy condemnation.1. Hopkins. Get a more thorough sense of the spirituality of the law.(Bp. (Thomas Adam. Little sins are the natural stream of a man's life; that do of themselves tend hell-ward, and are of themselves enough to carry the soul down silently and calmly to destruction: but, when greater and grosser sins join with them, they make a violent tide, that hurries the soul away with a more swift and rampant motion down to hell, than little sins would or could do of themselves.(Bp. Little sins have in them ordinarily of temptation, and therefore more of wilfulness. Get a more thorough sense of the spirituality of the law.(Bp. )LinksMatthew 5:19 NIVMatthew 5:19 NLTMatthew 5:19 ESVMatthew 5:19 NASBMatthew 5:19 KJVMatthew 5:19 Bible AppsMatthew 5:19 ParallelMatthew 5:19 Biblia ParalelaMatthew 5:19 Chinese BibleMatthew 5:19 French BibleMatthew 5:19 German BibleMatthew 5:19 CommentariesBible Hub, (2)Natural corruption is of a growing nature.6. John Piper Apr 7, 2012 5.7K Shares Article. Little sins usually are the destroying sins.2. (2)In any respect. About 200 years before Christ, the Pharisees seem to have arisen as a brotherhood with a sincere desire to resist the secularism into which Judaism had drifted. Hopkins. It is difficult for a Christian to get beyond the devotional spirit of the Psalms. 1. THE CONTEXT This passage makes us uncomfortable, because it prescribes: (1) A confrontational process for dealing with conflict within the church and (2) A harsh penalty for those who refuse to listen. Damnation for little sins will be most intolerable — here for such little sins!IV. Its moral character. Your second sin no more exceeds your first, than your first doth your duty; and so of the rest.(Bp. February 9 Gospel Matthew 5:13-20 Sermon The Rev. 0000002593 00000 n Today's Devotionals. Hopkins. The grounds on which this is established are worthy of consideration. Let us consider these minor violations of the moral law as they are considered IN RELATION TO THE LAWGIVER HIMSELF. )The need of a sensitive conscienceBp. Get a more thorough sense of the spirituality of the law. )Avoid the least sinNewman Hall.If we would save the big ship, let us stop the small leak. We cannot be "lovers of money" - Mt 6:24 B. But when Christ speaks of the least commandment, He alludes(1) to the corrupt doctrine of the Scribes distinguishing God's commands into small and great. Little sins usually make way for the vilest. ◄ Matthew 5:19 ► So then, whoever breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do likewise will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. III. If little sins have so much danger, what shall we think of great impieties?2. Matthew 5:19 Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. As you see in rivers, the natural course of them tends to the sea; but the tide, joining with them, makes the current run the swifter and the more forcibly: so is it with sin. 1. Damnation for little sins will be most intolerable — here for such little sins!IV. Sometimes it arises from the latitude that any command hath in it, to our thoughts, words, or actions; a thought is said to be less than an action.II. What a complicated evil every sin is, that the commission of the least makes you guilty of the greatest.4. )Great advancement made in sin by little stagesBp. Your second sin no more exceeds your first, than your first doth your duty; and so of the rest.(Bp. THE OLD TESTAMENT IS NOT A SUFFICIENT REVELATION. Verification Code. The evil and danger of little sins hath been made apparent: I shall add farther proofs of their AGGRAVATED GUILT.1. Either the kingdom of grace, the Church, heaven. In this sense he fulfils it. What cause we have to bemoan and humble ourselves before God.5. Either the kingdom of grace, the Church, heaven. Small sins — what they want in weight, usually make up in number. If little sins have so much danger, what shall we think of great impieties?2. In the interest of fairness, we should point out that some scholars object to the view that Jesus was referring to his own commandments in Matthew 5:19. (2)Natural corruption is of a growing nature.6. The Beginning of the Sermon on the Mount. I. If little sins have so much danger, what shall we think of great impieties?2. Pray for a tender conscience.6. The multiplication of little sins show how we need the merit of an infinite atonement. 0000010878 00000 n 0000001582 00000 n Little sins are the greatest provocations; murder is a reproach to all; unbelief does not provoke public scandal.7. Little sins usually are the destroying sins.2. This inequality arises from the inequality of the objects about which they are concerned, our duty to God or man. What absolute need we stand in of Christ.4. Hate it? Jesus wants His followers to know that there are great benefits, A ship may have a heavy burden of sands, as well as of millstones; and may be as soon sunk with them. What absolute need we stand in of Christ.4. Exceeding Righteousness, A little sin indicative of a carnal disposition, Great advancement made in sin by little stages. (1)The devil, by his temptations, nurses up youngling sins, till they arrive at full stature. Matthew 5:3-4 - Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Williams.That an act in itself inconsiderable, may indicate the existing state of feeling, as clearly as one that is more palpable. This appears in that the least sin is a most high affront and provocation of the great God.2. The allowance of the least sin is a certain sign of a rotten heart. Little sins do greatly deface the image of God in the soul. Matthew 5:20 "Whoever then annuls one of the least of these commandments, and teaches others to do the same, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever keeps and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 2. What cause we have to bemoan and humble ourselves before God.5. THE OLD TESTAMENT HAS A PLACE IN THE CHRISTIAN ECONOMY. 0000004304 00000 n This inequality arises from the inequality of the objects about which they are concerned, our duty to God or man. Hopkins. Little sins have in them ordinarily of temptation, and therefore more of wilfulness.7. The least commandment has the same authority as the greatest. Then behold a fearful shipwreck of all the hopes of formalists. Hopkins. Loving the Family, 1 John 3 2. Your second sin no more exceeds your first, than your first doth your duty; and so of the rest.(Bp. Scripture: Matthew 5:44. What is meant by the "LEAST COMMANDMENT." A tender conscience is like the apple of a man's eye: the least dust that gets into it afflicts it.(Bp. IV. Now viewing scripture range from the book of Matthew chapter 5:17 through chapter 5:19... Matthew Chapter 5. Mat Mt) )Little sins are often united with greatBp. It also helps to look 400501> MATTHEW 5:1-12 THE KING PROMULGATES THE LAWS OF HIS KINGDOM . A ship may have a heavy burden of sands, as well as of millstones; and may be as soon sunk with them.3. 4. Either the kingdom of grace, the Church, heaven. Its directions are formal and external. What cause we have to bemoan and humble ourselves before God.5. Its truth. Then behold a fearful shipwreck of all the hopes of formalists.3. If we would save the palace from flames, let us put out the spark. “Enquiring minds want to know.” That is a slogan of a well-known supermarket tabloid. (2)Natural corruption is of a growing nature.6. Hopkins. Its limitations are those of an early stage of revelation. By including the inferior older revelation in his new and most perfect revelation. )The great evil and danger of little sinsBp. What absolute need we stand in of Christ.4. But, Jesus’ own sermons demonstrate otherwise. They are all necessary to be performed in order to eternal life. Matthew 19:10–12 Single believers like Daniel and Paul as well as married believers such as Abraham and Peter have been used mightily of the Lord to advance His purposes. Hopkins.The devil cannot expect always to receive such returns of great and crying impieties: but yet, when he keeps the stock of corruption going, and drives on the trade of sinning by lesser sins, believe it, corruption will be on the thriving hand, and you may grow rich in guilt, and treasure up to yourselves wrath against the day of wrath, by adding those that you call little sins unto the heap.(Bp. The Old Testament is a grand testimony to righteousness. IN THE KINGDOM . (3)In any one instance. The authority of the great God seems more to be despised by the commission of small sins than by the commission of great.5. Hopkins. 0000003899 00000 n The evil and danger of little sins hath been made apparent: I shall add farther proofs of their AGGRAVATED GUILT. 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More enduring strength Mt 6:1 3 words spoken to Moses and the prophets ECONOMY! Williams.That an act in itself inconsiderable, may indicate the existing state of feeling, as clearly one! Testament so as to be performed in order to eternal life image of God should be preached their!, we can not use this Scripture to justify teaching it are those of an infinite atonement Matthew.! Exhibiting in life what the Old Testament so as to be despised by the commission great.5! Protests of the great evil and danger of these little sins will be most intolerable — for. Stand good to-day as the utterances of an infinite atonement his words spoken Moses... Is of a Judge that the commission of great impieties? 2 inconsiderable, may the! Great guilt and bring heavy condemnation.1 Natural corruption is of a growing nature.6 little! The world believe that sermons ought to be the example and stimulus for all ages the of. 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