The dorsal and ventral margins of the blade are sub-parallel along their entire lengths with the dorsal margin slightly convex and the ventral margin slightly concave. 1), Huayangosaurus (ZDM T7001) and in Kentrosaurus (MB R.4787). On the anterior surface of the centrum, the low swelling that covers the dorsal third of the surface is not as extensively developed as it is in Cv3 (Fig 8A). The neural arch is less expanded dorsally so the pedicle area is shorter in comparison with preceding vertebrae (Fig 28C and 28D). In posterior view the metatarsal has a sub-rectangular outline with a saddle-shaped posterior surface. Modified from [18]. The holotype of Gigantspinosaurus sichuanensis (ZDM 0019) preserves eight cervical and 16 dorsal vertebrae, although it is not clear if this is the entire presacral column [27]. To learn all about the skeleton system in the human body, check out this guide. Cv7 is largely complete but some reconstruction is present on the left side. [51] proposed a bimodal distribution of proximal femur shape in Kentrosaurus might represent a sexual difference, but it is also possible that this observation captures a population-level difference rather than sexual dimorphism [52]. While at the Sauriermuseum, the specimen was known by the specimen number SMA RCR0603. On the left side the acetabular part of the pubis is largely reconstructed, although the prepubis and shaft are mainly intact. The International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN) recently stabilized the taxonomy of Stegosaurus by replacing the former type species, Stegosaurus armatus, with the better known species Stegosaurus stenops [22, 23]. The left Cr5 is relatively well preserved but the right rib has a largely reconstructed distal shaft and capitulum. The postzygapophyses are short, extending a short distance beyond the posterior margin of the centrum, and are indistinguishably fused in dorsal view (Fig 19B and 19F). Only the centrum of Cd44 is preserved: the neural arch is broken. Thirteen dermal plates, from the cervical and anterior dorsal region, were recovered with Dacentrurus sp. The following description is consequently based on the former. The transverse cross-section in the dorsal half of the spine becomes more symmetrical and is elliptical. It has a sub-triangular outline that is bisected ventrally by a shallow midline cleft. Analyzed the data: SCRM PMB. [2] noted that the astragalus was fused to the tibia in most of the USNM Stegosaurus specimens, while the calcaneum was often unfused. The parapophyses are located roughly equidistant from the dorsal and ventral margins of the centrum. The neural spine is smaller relatively and absolutely. Deformation has resulted in the right lateral surface of the plate being convex anteroposteriorly, while the left lateral surface is concave. It is transversely compressed, and expands slightly at its apex. The arrow in the top right hand corner points towards north; squares are 1x1 m; numbers refer to plates in the order described below. No parascapular spine has ever been found in Stegosaurus. [2] noted that the diapophyses reached their highest elevation in the mid-dorsal vertebrae in the holotype of S. stenops (USNM 4934) and this also appears to be true in Dacentrurus armatus (NHMUK OR46013). A-F, chevron 27 and G-L, chevron 29 in A, G, anterior; B, H, posterior; C, I, left lateral; D, J, right lateral; E, K, ventral and F, L, dorsal views. [2] noted that the posterior dorsals of the holotype of S. stenops (USNM 4934) has neural arches that are lower than those of the mid-dorsals. We were able to compare the postcranial skeletons A second ridge extends from the posterior surface of the parapophysis posteroventrally to form the posterior surface of the neural arch. 2.3). The yoke is perforated by two small fenestrae between the diapophysis of S1 and the second sacral rib, two small fenestrae between the second and third sacral ribs, and two slightly larger fenestrae between the third and fourth sacral ribs. Cd24 is complete and very similar to Cd23. The anterior ridge is more prominent and forms the boundary between a medial concavity on the proximal part of the anterior surface of the shaft and a convex posterolateral surface. In overall morphology, the dorsal (D) vertebrae are very similar to those of Loricatosaurus (NHMUK PV R3167; MHNH(BR) 001; [29]: fig 14A–R; [32]: pl. The ridge extending from the anterior surface of the diapophyses to the base of the anterior neural spine is present (Fig 29F). The iliac articular surface is approximately twice the length of the ischiadic margin. A, anterior, B, posterior, C, right lateral, D, left lateral, and E, dorsal view. The dorsal surface of the atlantal intercentrum is saddle-shaped, being anteroposteriorly convex and transversely concave. The area immediately below this ridge is strongly concave and merges with the lateral surface of the centrum, whereas the area above it is convex and merges dorsally into the surface of the neural arch (Fig 21C). [2] suggested that the neural spines disappeared on Cd37 or 38, but did not have a complete, articulated tail at his disposal. Neural spines decrease in height until caudal 35, where they disappear entirely. Most, but not all, features you are required to know are shown on the following pages. Skeleton of Archaeopteryx (Berlin specimen, MB.Av.101) with schematic representation of air sacs and pneumatic postcranial elements as deduced from this study. These processes are separated from the parapophyses by a second concavity. A, anterior, B, posterior, C, left lateral, D, right lateral, E, ventral and F, dorsal view. The fourth sacral rib is the shortest transversely. The centrum of D8 has been slightly deformed with some erosion of the ventral surface. Postcranial Skeleton of the Cretaceous Mammal Akidolestes cifellii and Its Locomotor Adaptations Postcranial Skeleton of the Cretaceous Mammal Akidolestes cifellii and Its Locomotor Adaptations Chen, Meng; Luo, Zhe-Xi 2012-04-20 00:00:00 Spalacotheroid “symmetrodontans” are a group of extinct Mesozoic mammals. The lateral margins of both astragali are poorly preserved but are ‘C’-shaped and tallest anteriorly. For convenience the pubis can be divided into three regions: an elongate prepubis, the small acetabular region, which bears the iliac and ischiadic articulations; and an elongate pubic shaft arising from the ventral margin of the acetabular region. by thatskat22 Plays Quiz not verified by Sporcle . The ridge extending horizontally along the lateral surface of the centrum is positioned in a more dorsal location than in Cv3, so that the ventral concavity is more extensive than the dorsal one. The ventral articular facet is transversely wider than it is long anteroposteriorly and convex. In lateral view, subtle ridges on the centrum that may represent the remnants of caudal ribs are still present (Fig 51C and 51D). The neural spine of Cv8 in Dacentrurus sp. The anterior margins of the odontoid have been slightly eroded. The lateral margins of the spine are therefore concave in anterior view, as in the anterior caudals of Loricatosaurus (MHNH(BR) 001; [32]: pl. When the specimen was discovered, there was a space above the proximal portion of the tail suggesting that another plate was originally present but became disarticulated post-mortem and was not preserved, so it is likely that the full complement of plates for Stegosaurus was 19, with four spines at the end of the tail. The prezygapophyses are supported on stout pedicles, and the distance between the dorsal margins of the prezygapophyses and dorsal margin of the neural canal is increased in depth relative to preceding presacrals. In the largest stegosaurian femora, by contrast, the femoral head is separated from the shaft by a sharper right-angled bend and the anterior trochanter is fully fused to the greater trochanter and is effectively obliterated [43]. Presumably it would have merged with the shaft originally, and the anteriorly extending lip is an artifact due to crushing. The diapophyses are teardrop-shaped in cross-section in lateral view with the apex pointing anterodorsally. A, mounted skeleton in right lateral view and B, laid out with missing elements reconstructed before mounting. Most of the expansion of the anterodorsal portion of the acetabular region is on the lateral side, forming a pedestal to accommodate the iliac articular surface. The postcranial skeleton of NHMUK PV R36730 is substantially complete, missing several cervical ribs, the centra of caudals 1–3, caudal vertebrae 4–19, most of the haemal arches, the entire left forelimb, the right manus and coracoid, the left ilium, some pedal phalanges and a single large plate from the pelvic region. In dorsal view, the distal end of the ischium extends posteromedially. A second surface, also a right-angled triangle in outline, is gently concave, faces ventromedially, lies ventral to the articular surface of the olecranon process and is separated from it by a gentle, transversely extending ridge. Van Valkenburgh , in her seminal work, found that the postcranial skeleton is a good indicator of locomotor ecology in both living and extinct carnivores. Nevertheless, several cases of broken armor elements have been reported [53,54] as well as histological evidence for osteomyelitis [53,55]. A, anterior, B, posterior, C, left lateral, D, right lateral, E, ventral and F, dorsal view. However, NHMUK PV R36730 possesses a slightly expanded distalpubic shaft, and there appears to be a spectrum among stegosaurs from slightly expanded to greatly expanded distal pubic shafts (see pubis description below): thus, this character is removed as a diagnostic character of Stegosaurus stenops herein. The PODL extends onto the lateral surface of the postzygapophysis (Fig 11D). The medial surface of the rib is flat. Scale bar equal to 10 cm. The radius appears to be similar to those of Dacentrurus sp. They form ovate concavities with the long axis trending posterodorsally, and lie at the base of the diapophyses (Fig 19D). R. Simon (Dinosaur Safari Inc.) discovered the specimen and shared much useful information on the excavation. 1) and Huayangosaurus (ZDM T7001; [31]: fig 11) do not significantly overhang the posterior articular facet. Pl7 is not well preserved and little surface detail is visible. A small tubercle on the ventrolateral margin of the proximal plate represents the origin for the triceps. In medial and lateral views the bone is straight (Fig 68C and 68D). Dorsally, the neural spine is triangular in cross-section. The distal end is flat and slightly rugose (Fig 68F). The femur or the thigh bone is closest to the body. Rate 5 stars Rate 4 stars Rate 3 stars Rate 2 stars Rate 1 star . Cd22 is similar in most respects to Cd20 and 21. The anterior articular facet is elliptical with the long axis trending dorsoventrally, and is flat, although there is a prominent swelling immediately ventral to the neural canal (Fig 7A). The plate is taller than it is long. Its anterior margin is anteriorly concave while its posterior margin is anteriorly convex. The plate labeled as plate 5 herein was therefore found associated with the anterior part of the skeleton, not the end of the tail, and we consider that it was located as described here and as shown on the mounted skeleton (SI 1). Otherwise, the vertebra appears similar to Cd37. Due to this partial fusion the shape of the articular surface for the coracoid cannot be determined. Only the neural spine and right postzygapophysis remain. Damage and restoration to the centrum of NHMUK PV R36730 means that the location of the parapophyses and the presence or absence of a ventral keel cannot be determined. The posterior half of the posterior margin is indented with numerous short grooves that help to define the boundaries between a series of thin, fringing, finger-like processes. The armor of Chungkingosaurus (CV 206; [35]: fig 96) comprises small plates that are transversely thickened, particularly in the middle region of each plate. The proportion of conglomerate to sand decreases upwards through the sequence, with the top of the section being dominated by very fine grained, white, ripple cross-laminated calcareous sand with iron concretions. The dorsal margin of the plate is divided into a number of slender finger-like processes. The postzygapophyses are curved, and are relatively and absolutely longer than in cervical three. Images copyright The Natural History Museum. In lateral view, in the location of the neurocentral suture, there is an upwardly convex parabola-shaped ridge that defines the lateral surface of the centrum from the neural arch, as in preceding vertebrae (Fig 29D). The neural arch is fused to the centrum and the neurocentral suture is indistinct except at the base of the anterior margin of the left neural arch, where it is visible. A stout, ridge-like fourth trochanter is present but does not form a distinct process. A, anterior, B, posterior, C, left lateral, D, right lateral, E, ventral and F, dorsal view. Based on its morphology and size, it is possible that the latter is an atlantal rib of a sauropod. The proximal expansion is transversely wider than the ventral one. As a result it has an elongate elliptical outline, although originally it was probably more similar in shape to Pl11 or 12. Distally, the shaft of the ulna is sub-rectangular, parallel-sided and flat to gently transversely concave (Fig 68B). The tip of the plate has several short grooves incipiently dividing the apical region into finger-like processes, although these are not well developed. Scale bar equal to 10 cm. Twenty-seven presacrals are also known in the holotype, USNM 4934 [2]. [2] noted that the fusion of coracoids and scapulae varied among Stegosaurus individuals and was likely ontogenetic; it also appears to be variable in Kentrosaurus (fused in MB R.4802 and R.4803, unfused in R.4580). The anterior margin of the neural spine is concave in lateral view, curving posterodorsally from its base and then curving anterodorsally close to its top (Fig 14D). Click through the PLOS taxonomy to find articles in your field. Scale bar equal to 5 cm. The ventral margin of the centrum has been slightly eroded and it is not clear if a keel was present. The top of the neural spine appears to be expanded transversely to a greater degree than seen in previous vertebrae (Fig 27A, 27B and 27F). The tuberculum also increases in prominence progressing posteriorly along the dorsal vertebral column. In proximal view metatarsal 3 has a sub-triangular outline that is longest anteroposteriorly. It consists of bone, cartilage, tendons, joints, and ligaments. The maximum anteroposterior width of these plates lies at a point approximately level with their mid-height, and they contract in anteroposterior width both dorsal and ventral to this point. The rib extends laterally to contact the medial surface of the acetabulum. In its proximal quarter the shaft narrows dorsoventrally and the middle portion of the shaft maintains the same width. The centrum has been crushed obliquely so that the right hand side extends ventrally further than the left hand side, and as in dorsal 11 there is a large fossa on the right side of the centrum that is probably due to crushing, although its presence on two vertebrae suggest it could have been a pathology. The ribs are similar to Dr5 except in the following respects. [2] noted that a keel was present on the sacral vertebrae of USNM 4934 (S. stenops) but not on a specimen he referred to as S. ungulatus (YPM 1858), a species considered here to be a junior synonym of S. stenops. (ML 433; [41,42]) are fused to the cervical vertebrae along the entire cervical column. (MIGM 5782; MIGM 4953; [39]: figs. This ridge is in the equivalent position to the anterior centroparapophyseal lamina (ACPL) of sauropods [30] (Fig 20D). The diapophyses and neural spine also overhang the posterior margin for a short distance. In S. mjosi (DMNH 29431) the neural spine of Cv12 is developed to a similar degree to that of Cv13 in NHMUK PV R36730. The postcranial material referable to the Russian caseid Ennatosaurus tecton from the middle Permian is described. The postcranial skeleton can be divided into two regions: Trunk - includes the vertebral column, ribs and sternum (part of axial skeleton) Appendicular skeleton - limbs and girdles Notochord vs. the Vertebral Column. Scale bar equal to 5 cm. In anterior view, the fossa surrounding the neural canal is greatly reduced in prominence (Fig 26A). The postcranial skeleton of NHMUK PV R36730 is substantially complete, missing several cervical ribs, the centra of caudals 1–3, caudal vertebrae 4–19, most of the haemal arches, the entire left forelimb, the right manus and coracoid, the left ilium, some pedal phalanges and a single large plate from the pelvic region. The neural arch pedicles beneath the parapophyses are taller than in the preceding vertebrae, thereby increasing the elongation of the neural arch (Fig 23C and 23D). A translation of Dong et al. The right Dr2 is reconstructed at its distal end, while the shaft of the left rib has been heavily restored and reconstructed distally. The femur appears similar to those of other stegosaurs including Dacentrurus armatus (NHMUK OR46013), Loricatosaurus (NHMUK PV R3167), Kentrosaurus (MB R.4800) and Huayangosaurus (ZDM T7001; [31]: fig 31). In lateral view the right diapophysis is triangular in lateral cross-section with the apex pointing ventrally (Fig 14D). The articular surface of the right postzygapophysis is angled at around 20 degrees to the horizontal, facing posteroventrolaterally. The two main goals for today are to learn all the bones of the skeleton below the head and to consider the kinds of movements that joints permit. Description . The postzygapophyses extend posterodorsally from the posterior margin of the neural arch beyond the posterior articular facet for a distance approximately equal to half of their total length (Fig 7C and 7D). The ventral margin of the axis of S. mjosi (DNMH 29431 [this specimen is a cast of the holotype, HMNH 001]) appears to be more concave upwards in lateral view than that of NHMUK PV R36730, which is straight. Print out the pdf bones of the body; hands, feet, arms, forearms legs, shins, skull, The shaft tapers to a point distally. Sequence rank … Pl10 is rhomboidal in outline, with straight anteroventral, anterodorsal, posterodorsal and posteroventral margins that are separated from each other by a distinct break in slope. Numerous fine, shallow vascular grooves extend posterodorsally across both plate surfaces. Although the cranium has been recently restudied in detail, the descriptions currently available for the postcranial skeleton are essentially limited to the original short account on the holotype provided by Efremov in 1956. The plate surface is well preserved and there are numerous sub-parallel, dorsoventrally-extending vascular grooves on its surface. The capitulum projects dorsally, is transversely compressed and is not thickened transversely relative to the body of the rib, in contrast to the cervical rib (Cr) 3. Note that the distal end of the tibia and fibula has been rotated and flattened relative to the proximal end, so anterior view of the proximal end is lateral view of the distal end. At the very least it seems unwise to consider the height of the neural spines of the sacral vertebrae to be a diagnostic character at specific level until measurements can be provided to confirm Marsh’s reconstructions. A distinct anterior trochanter is present on the anterolateral surface of the femur. Plantigrade (you 'plant' your foot on the floor). Six stout, finger-like processes are present around the plate apex, and these are more robust than any of those in the preceding plates. The neural arch of the last cervical of Loricatosaurus (MHNH(BR) 001; [32]: pl.1), Huayangosaurus (ZDM T7001; [31]: fig 11), and the posterior cervicals in Kentrosaurus (MB R.4786, R.4787; [33]: fig 13) is more dorsally elongate than that of NHMUK PV R36730, however. The dorsal surface is obscured either by the apposition of the tibia or plaster. A third, elongate, narrow and laterally facing surface is separated from the others by a robust dorsoventrally extending ridge that arises slightly ventral to the olecranon process and extends to the distal end of the ulna where it merges with the shaft and increases in robustness and anteroposterior width to become the articular surface for the distal radius. They are transversely thickest along their ventral margins, which are strongly rugose and have sub-elliptical outlines in ventral view. In all other respects it is the same as Cd25, except that the dorsal part of the neural spine is transversely compressed and not expanded. The proximal part of this surface forms the medial process of the ulna, while its distal part merges with the medial surface of the shaft. Metatarsal 3 is the longest metatarsal, and metatarsal 4 is longer than metatarsal 2. Aug 15, 2019 - Explore Ma. Ridges linking the anterior surfaces of the diapophyses to the base of the anterior margin of the neural spine are more prominent in D5 than they were in D4 (Fig 22A). The neural arches are unfused to the intercentrum in the holotype of S. stenops, USNM 4934 [2], and S. mjosi [17]. In dorsal view, the tip of the spine has a dumbbell-shaped outline perhaps suggesting that it may have been bifid, although poor preservation makes this observation inconclusive (Fig 33E). The PODL extends posteriorly from the diapophyses to the dorsal surface of the postzygapophyses and continues to form the lateral margin of the postzygapophyseal articular facet (Fig 12D). The dorsal margin of the plate is also the longest. The prezygapophyses are transversely compressed and the lateral surfaces are smooth. These thickened areas are roughened, particularly medially, but it is not clear if only one or both of these articulated with the atlas. Planes of Orientation The maximum anteroposterior dimension is in the lower third of the plate. The Howe and Howe-Stephens quarries, which are close by and have both produced a diverse range of dinosaur taxa, also appear to be from the middle part of the Morrison Formation in this area [5,6]. (ML 433) than it is to Cv13 of the latter taxon. The capitulum projects at an angle of 130 degrees with respect to the rib shaft in anterior view. A, anterior, B, posterior, C, left lateral, D, right lateral, E, ventral and F, dorsal view. By continuing you agree to the use of cookies. A ridge extends from the lateral surface of the tuberculum posteriorly to the end of the shaft and has a rugose thickening at a point level with the capitulum. The neural spine extends vertically from the midline about level with the posterior margin of the prezygapophyses in lateral view (Fig 9D). Human Anatomy - Skeleton Click on the labels below to find out more about your skeleton. This differs from the condition in Gigantspinosaurus ([27]: fig 133) where the dorsal margin of the scapula blade dorsoventrally widens abruptly about one-quarter of the way from its anterior end, this widened portion forming a right-angle with the anterior portion of the blade. The dorsal, anterior, ventral and posterior margins merge into each other without distinct corners or breaks of slope. The distal ends of both Dr8 are reconstructed but they are otherwise complete. In anterior view, ventral to the tuberculum and level with the dorsal margin of the capitulum is a protuberance, which is oval with its long axis trending dorsoventrally. Both lateral surfaces of the atlas possess small irregular rugosities, which are asymmetrically positioned in anterior view and lie adjacent to the neurocentral suture. Cv5 is generally well-preserved but is obliquely sheared so that the left side is higher than the right side and posteriorly a small portion of the left ventrolateral centrum is missing. The epipophyses are continuous with sharp ridges that extend anterodorsally to merge with neural spine in lateral and dorsal views (Fig 6F). Additional conservation work was carried out by L. Allington-Jones and L. Fox, with modifications made to the mounting frame by S. Suttle and J. Rodrigues (NHMUK). Pathologies are rarely reported in Stegosaurus, presumably because the total sample of individuals is small. 76S–76Z ; i-iv ) pentagonal in outline, although the left femur and much of the iliac peduncle pp! Distinct vascular grooves on its dorsomedial surface directed dorsoventrally articulated with metatarsal 4 is longer than those of Cv7 Dacentrurus... Fig 19B ) is less pronounced than in the subsequent preparation of the articular condyles tuberculum has been restored only. 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